
Myrtus communis

Myrtle (Myrtus communis) is a shrub from the Myrtaceae family, native to the Mediterranean basin, which grows in the wild in dry and sunny scrubland. Its persistent, lanceolate and opposite leaves are extremely aromatic. Its small white and perfumed flowers are replaced by bluish black berries.

Main aromatic molecules: Terpene oxides (1,8-cineole or eucalyptol), monoterpenes (α and β-pinenes), terpene esters (myrtenyl and geranyl acetates…), monoterpenols (linalool).
Family: Myrtaceae.
Producing organs: Leaves.
Yield: 180 to 280g of essential oil per 100kg of leaves.
Equivalence: 1ml → 33 drops (dosage calculated for a calibrated dropper European Pharmacopoeia).


Skin application

Oral route

Respiratory route

In the Antiquity myrtle was dedicated to Venus-Aphrodite, probably due to its exquisite fragrance, and in Greece the bridal crowns were made with myrtle. Ovid tells us in his Fasti or Book of days, that the goddess of love was drying her dripping hair when she was surprised by a group of satyrs and she escaped their lascivious curiosity by wrapping herself in myrtle. She had a crown of myrtle the day of the famous beauty contest among the three goddesses, when she received the apple from the shepherd Paris. The plant was commonly used in medicine, and its berries were ground and used to prepare plasters and salves. Pliny recommended it ”to cure bad mouth odour, a very embarrassing inconvenience” and it is still used for this purpose in Morocco.


Extracts from the book ’Aromatherapia – All about essential oils’, by Isabelle Pacchioni, watercolors by Patrick MORIN, Aroma Thera Editions . Extracts from the book ’41 essential oils essential for treating yourself differently’ and ’48 essential oils which every home needs to be healthy’ by Isabelle Delaleu and Isabelle Pacchioni, Publications of the Mandadori France group. Botanical illustrations by Agathe Haevermans.

The properties, benefits and method of use are given for information; they cannot in any case constitute or replace medical information that only health professionals can provide. For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, please consult your GP or pharmacist.

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